Dreadbox Nyx

Discovering this awesome instrument

I spent about 6 month looking at videos about this unusual analog synth. I was especially attracted by the patch bay and the sound of the oscillators, but also by the really musical sounds people managed to get out of it. I finally decided to buy one in December.

Tuning the beast

The machine was soon on my desk, I unboxed it and plugged it right away. But what a bummer, the synth was not tuned, the intervals between the notes were not correct, how comes?


Hopefully, I easily found out the tuning manual on the Dreadbox web site. I took a screwdriver and all my courage to open the beast and follow the instructions... 

4 small screws to tune the two oscillators.

  1. Scale VCO1
  2. Tune VCO1
  3. Scale VCO2
  4. Tune VCO2 

It was finally quite easy as only the VCO1 scale had to be adjusted. Everything was fine again ;-)

The patch bay

I spent quite a lot of time trying to find some documentation on how to creatively use the patch bay, But the best advice I found was to experiment by myself, so I did.

I already had some additional cables (I use with my Arturia Microbrute) to split the modulation sources. The VCO2 and M2 sources are the most obvious ones, and I quickly got some interesting results. In the above example I did the following routing:

  1. M2 -> PW
  2. M2 -> REV
  3. VCO2 -> VCF

A jam with a lot of echoes ;-)

I captured this jam yesterday. My Novation Circuit was a perfect controler for the Nyx. I use my Moog Slim Phatty for the bass and the Elektron Analog Keys for the pad.

The EHX Memory Man with Hazarai echo pedal adds a river of sweet echoes on the Nyx sound, love it!

A track!

As usually when I have a new gear, it makes me write a few songs. Here is a first one. The Dreadbox Nyx perfectly complement my good old Moog Slim Phatty. I just love how they sing together in the Chorus (starting at 2'45").